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How Much Money and Time Does It Take to Migrate to Shopify?

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Should you migrate your ecommerce store to Shopify's platform?

Moving is super stressful. Just the thought of boxes, lost items, and stuff everywhere can cause us to shutter. What about moving or migrating an eCommerce store? Is it just as stressful? Is it worth it? How much does it cost? How much time does it take? We will answer all of these questions, but first, let's discuss: what is Shopify?

What is Shopify?

Shopping online is more popular than ever, and therefore eCommerce platforms are more important than ever. Shopify is a comprehensive platform both for eCommerce and brick and mortar stores. It has the biggest market share in both the USA and the UK, and for a good reason. Shopify has tools, features, and a digital approach that is second to none. 

We are proud to be a eCommerce agency helping many grow their business and reach new heights. Some of our clients and others have grown by more than 300% when migrating to the Shopify platform from another eCommerce platform. 

Just like birds migrating south for the winter, these clients saw that better weather awaits them if they were willing to make the journey. The arctic tern can fly almost 70,000 kilometres in one year to bask in the warmth of the sun. Migrating to Shopify might seem like mission impossible but, trust me, it's worth it.

What are the benefits of migrating to Shopify?

Should I Migrate to Shopify?

Some of the most successful businesses have started with humble beginnings. Amazon and Disney began in a garage, but where are they now? Not in a garage, that's for sure! Ecommerce can start with just an idea and some social media posts. However, a competent platform is vital to growing a business. Some are using eCommerce platforms and are having some success. 

Is it worth migrating to the leading eCommerce platform? Yes, is the short answer, but why Shopify? Here are just three reasons why you should migrate to Shopify.

  • Some of the biggest companies in the world trust Shopify. These companies include up and comers like Kylie cosmetics and legendary luxury brands like Louis Vuitton. Brands like Nestle and Pepsi have dozens of products for sale, and Tesla sells a couple of parts and tequila?? Major brands look for reliability, dependability, and the possibility to expand when choosing an ecommerce platform.
  • Growing a business depends partly on SEO and Google rankings. Shopify has powerful marketing tools that give your product exposure. People often worry that migrating to another platform will mean that they will lose their Google page ranking. With a seamless migration process, you will not lose your ranking and, in time, will improve it.
  • Shopify works. Here are some figures. More than 1,000,000 businesses use Shopify. From 2019 to 2020, there was a  52 per cent increase in the number of merchants using Shopify. Companies hosted on Shopify saw 50 per cent growth in online sales. Brand loyalty increased, which is evidenced by the fact that, on average, a customer buys 3.8 times from the same store. Shopify email marketing really works with a 4.29 per cent conversion rate. Finally, Shopify is available in 175 countries and added over 235 billion pounds sterling to global commerce.

There are many reasons to choose Shopify, but…

there could still be some reservations. They say moving is the second most stressful event in a person's life. However, a professional moving company can expedite the process and actually save money in the long run. How much time and money does it take to migrate to Shopify?

How Long Will it Take?

There is a big difference in the time it takes to move a one-bedroom flat and a mansion. The more stuff, the longer it takes. The same applies to migrating an online store to another platform. There are a lot of moving parts, and therefore having a Shopify expert can make a world of difference. 

After partnering with Shopify for some time, we have developed a process that is efficient and doesn’t sacrifice quality for speed. Here is the step by step process, and each step is detailed afterwards.

  1. Analysis: First, we learn about your existing eCommerce store's function and design in order to meet your requirements.
  2. Planning: Preparing the data, so none is lost and integrations and apps that enhance the platform's performance, speed, and add features.
  3. Migration: We replatform all of your data, including media and content, product info, inventory, prices, shipping, tax details and whatever else is needed.
  4. QA & Launch: The new and improved store is finalised with a final system check and quality assurance.

The process starts with setting up basic administrative settings, including address, account information, and staff access. Afterwards, we import all content and data from your previous store. There are different ways to do that, and Shopify apps ensure nothing is lost. After all the data is migrated over, it must be organised and categorised.

Next comes the creative part, where the frontend or the website's look is enhanced with the user in mind. The interface attracts a customer, and the experience helps that customer follow through on a purchase. There are many themes and layouts to choose from. Also, a new domain is established, and you can buy it directly from Shopify. 

Now comes the not so creative part but also vital: configuring sales tax and setting up shipping. It may seem insignificant, but these are essential cogs in a functional eCommerce store. This all leads to setting up a payment provider, which can be Shopify or other forms of payment. To make sure everything is working properly, it is wise to do a few test orders and iron out the kinks.

The final stage of migration includes creating new customer accounts and setting up URL redirects. Passwords are encrypted, and therefore customer login information cannot be moved over to Shopify. Shopify and Shopify plus have tools to make this process stress free. URL redirects ensure all your existing and new customers find your new site.

All these steps and details may seem daunting and may cause some not to want to migrate their store. No need to worry! As Shopify partners, we have helped many through this process and are happy to help you. Now comes the big question.

How Much Will it Cost?

As with all things money, this is not a cut and dry answer. The cost of migrating to Shopify depends on

  • which platform, if any, you are moving from 
  • the amount of content, pages, media that is being moved 
  • which plan you choose in Shopify.

They say time is money, and this is another factor when it comes to calculating the cost to migrate. To prevent downtime while migrating your eCommerce store, hiring an eCommerce agency to expedite the process may be prudent. This way, your new online store will be up and running, bringing customers in and driving sales. 

The cost cancels itself out over time. When your new Shopify eCommerce site is functional, you will make more sales, have more customers and have better conversion rates. You will not regret your initial investment!


Yes, moving or migrating can be stressful, but it can also be rewarding. We are proud to partner with Shopify and can establish an eCommerce platform that is tailored to your needs and wants. The user interface will appeal to the eye and attract new customers. The user experience will be flawless with integrated plugins and apps. After some time, you will totally forget the time and money it took to migrate and fully focus on the present. Move into the future of ecommerce by migrating your online store to Shopify! Learn more about eCommerce and how to have sales success by reading our other articles.

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